TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Not exactly...
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Subject Not exactly...
Posted by TTkickedin on August 09, 2012 at 12:31 PM
  This message has been viewed 355 times.
In Reply To You're looking for new at $1500 and forged multi piece? (n/m) posted by HighPsi (NorCal) on August 09, 2012 at 12:24 PM
Message What I'm looking for is flow formed/rotary forged/spun-cast wheels. These are noticeably lighter and stronger than traditional cast wheels, but cost less than full forged wheels. See enkei MAT write-ups or TSW's version of enkei MAT write-up. They can't be the only two wheel manufacturers that do this, right?

I haven't yet seen one multi-piece rotary-forged wheel period, let alone a set of them.

I am not looking for full forged wheels because they all cost above 1500 PER WHEEL, period. I need to spend less than 1500 dollars for all four wheels because I cannot possibly save 3800 for Volk TE37's with my current job. I'll need a few promotions for that.

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